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We all have our share of problems and challenges in life. We’ll never get to the stage where everything is running perfectly. Try this exercise and ask yourself – if you could wave a magic wand and fix one thing in your life, what would it be?
For many of you that are immigrants or are sponsoring loved ones, the answer would be to get the immigration process completed. Completing the immigration process could mean reuniting with loved ones, starting a family, taking on a great career or educational opportunity. It means moving on with life.
Delays caused by the US immigration system are outside of your control. The systemic delays will continue for the foreseeable future. But you can address your individual situation by taking action. Filing a mandamus lawsuit to force the government to do their job and decide your case is the most effective action you could take.
Now consider a future where you get your case decided in the next couple of months through a lawsuit. What does the other side of that look like? I’d bet it looks much better than things look today. You don’t have to solve every problem in life to get there, you just have to take action on one of them.